Credit: © Astrid Heim, Geisa ‚2021


Dikla Stern (*1972) is an artist, communication scientist, and lecturer. In 2003, she received a diploma in fine arts and design from the Avni Institute in Tel Aviv. In 2007, she obtained a Master of Arts in Communication Design, Media Theory, and Philosophy under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Thomas Friedrich (Editor of the Journal for Critical Theory) at the Mannheim University of Applied Sciences. The exploration of society in the context of the charged dichotomy between power and oppression, law and freedom, is sometimes discreetly, but sometimes also entirely directly, a constant in the works of DIKLA STERN. These works describe societal phenomena that are perceived as “disturbed.” Contemporary themes, issues and events are subjected to artistic reflection and examined in terms of the collective influence of media, politics and history on the individual. 
She has received exhibition support from various institutions, including the Adrienne and Otmar Hornbach Foundation, Dieter-Kissel Foundation, and Werner-Deschauer Foundation. Her works have been exhibited at venues such as the CICA Museum in South Korea, the German Hygiene Museum in Dresden, the Potemka Gallery in Leipzig, and the 5th European Month of Photography (EmoP) in Berlin. They have also been featured in film and television, including productions such as “Altes Land” (ZDF) and “Fucking Berlin” (Netflix). Works are in the possession of private collectors, museums and companies, internationally.


2018-24 Art Lecturer/Instructor – Art and Communication | Berlin and Mannheim, Germany                                                
AFBB Berlin – Academy for professional education | VHS, Adult Educational Center, CH-WI, VHS Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg  
Abendakademie Mannheim, Adult Educational Center | Jugendkunstschule CH-WI Berlin
2010 Move to Berlin, Germany
2007 University of Mannheim for Engineering and Design | Mannheim Germany                                                      
Master of Arts Degree (MA) in Communication Design | Media Science | Philosophy  
2003 Move to Mannheim | Germnay
2002 Avni Institute of Fine Art & Design | Tel Aviv, Israel     
Diploma in Fine Art & Design     
1999 Move to Tel Aviv | Israel
2024 County of Wartburgkreis | Project Grant, exhibition Lililalaland
2024 Cultural Foundation, Federal State of Thuringia | Project Grant, exhibition Lililalaland
2021 Werner-Deschauer Foundation | Grant, exhibition JLID2021
2021 Cultural Foundation, Federal State of Thuringia | Project Grant, exhibition JLID2021
2021 State Program of Thuringia DENK BUNT | Project Grant, exhibition JLID2021
2020 NEUSTART KULTUR BBK | State Ministry for Culture and Media Berlin
2019 EU Erasmus+ Program for Adults | Education Program, London (GB)
2017 Adrienne and Otmar Hornbach Foundation |  Exhibition catalog “Brave New World”
2017 Dieter-Kissel Foundation | Project Grant, exhibition “Brave New World”
2017 City of Annweiler am Trifels | Project Grant, exhibition “Brave New World”
2017 City of Lingen a. d. Ems | Project Grant, exhibition “Schatten der Macht”

2024 Announcement – ACHAVA-Festival Thuringia |  Eisenach in Thuringia
2024 Announcement LILILALALAND – Kunstverein Eisenach e.V. | Eisenach in Thuringia
2021 Die Sterne von Geisa – JLID2021, Anneliese Deschauer Gallery | Geisa in Thuringia    2017 Schatten der Macht, Ludwig-Windthorst-Haus – Academy LWH Diocese of Osnabrück | Lingen in Lower Saxony
2017 Brave New World, City of Annweiler am Trifels | Annweiler am Trifels in Rhineland-Palatinate
2015 Arsenal, Mein Haus am See – Public Space | Berlin
2014 Le grand Opening, Mein Haus am See – Public Space | Berlin
2011 A trip to Jerusalem with pee break in the desert, Stoffwechsel Gallery | Mannheim in Baden-Wuerttemberg<br>

2022 FAIR SHARE for Woman Artists – Public Performance,  National Gallery | Berlin, Germany
2022 SALOON on Paper, Art fair – Dt. Hygienemuseum | Dresden, Germany
2017 Art For Living Space, CICA Museum – Czong Institute of Contemporary Art | Gimpo-Si, South-Korea
2014 SOCKS FOR LIFE (EFCNI), European Parliament Altiero Spinelli Building | Brussels, Belgium
2013 Du bist mein Spiegel, Gallery Potemka | Leipzig, Germany
2013 Breath/Breadth, Brooklyn College Hillel,| New York, USA
2013 SUPERMARKET 2013,  Kulturhuset | Stockholm, Sweden
2013 6# Kunst am Spreeknie-Festival, Gallery G11 | Berlin, Germany
2012 Der Blick der Anderen, 5. European Month of Photography (EmoP) | Berlin, Germany
2012 No Name, G11 Gallery Leipzig-Berlin, Funkhaus | Berlin Germany
2012 Berliner Liste, Heizkraftwerk MUMA | Berlin, Germany
2011 Cube, Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe, 33.  German Protestant Church Congress | Dresden, Germany
2010 19. Karlsruher ART FAIR, Regierungspräsidium | Karlsruhe, Germany
2007  International Biennial for Contemporary Art, Fortezza da Basso | Florence, Italy
Art for Living Space – CICA Museum, Exhibition catalogue, 2017
Le grand Opening – Blu Magazine, Edition 70, Artist Interview, October 2014
Rosa oder Hellblau – Randlust Kreuzer, Exhibition Article, November 2013
Supermarket 2013 – Exhibition Catalogue, 2013
Festen Fortsätter Berlin – NEO Magazine Stockholm, Edition 6, Artist Talk, 2013
Berliner Liste – Exhibition Catalogue, 2012
Stadtmagazin Meier – Exhibition Feature, Edition30286, September 2011
INKA Stadtmagazin Karlsruhe – Volume 58, Article, June 2010
Klappe Auf – Kulturmagazin Region Karlsruhe, Article, June 2010
International Biennial for Contemporary Art – Exhibition Catalogue, 2007
Die Sterne von Geisa rütteln wach – Südthüringer Zeitung, 30.08.2021
Kunst von heute, erinnern an damals. Dikla Stern zeigt „Die Sterne von Geisa“ in der Deschauer Galerie – Fuldaer Zeitung, 04.08.2021
Dikla Stern und die Sterne von Geisa – Südthüringer Zeitung, 20.07.2021
Berliner Künstlerin stellt in Geisa aus – Gaisaer Zeitung, 03.07.21
Machtstrukturen zum Vorschein bringen – Lingener Tagespost, 16.09.2017
Was ist schön? – Die Rheinpfalz, 01.04.2017
Vielbeachtete „Schöne neue Welt“– Trifels Kurier, 06.04.2017
„Schöne neue Welt“ – Vernissage mit der Berliner Künstlerin Dikla Stern – Trifels Kurier, 09.03.2017
Kerzenständer und Klangteppiche – taz, 24.11.2014
Bomben gehören längst zum Alltag – Lampertheimer Zeitung, 11.09.2012
19. Karlsruher Künstlermesse – raumK, June 2010
Lebhaftes Interesse – Stadtzeitung – Amtsblatt der Stadt Karlsruhe, 25.06.2010
Farbe dominiert – Karlsruher Künstlermesse – Badische Neuste Nachrichten, 18.06.2010
19. Karlsruher Künstlermesse öffnet – Badische Neuste Nachrichten, 18.06.2010
Menschen ungeschönt charakterisiert – Fränkische Nachrichten, 15.06.2007
Künstlerin zwischen den Welten – Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung, 15.06.2007
2017 Shadow of Power, Artist Talk with Dr. Michael. Reitemeyer
2017 ARTiculAction Special Edition, Interview with Joshe Ryders and Barbara Scott
2017 Power, Man, Economy, Artist Talk with Thomas Otte, MD
2011 Zypogh inquires, Interview with Martyna Swiatczak
2020 Netflixseries, Bio Hackers 2, Claussen + Putz, Art in Film
2019 ZDF Broadcast, Altes Land, UFA Production, Art in Film
2017 Brave New World, exhibition catalog in self-publication
2017 Schatten der Macht, Ems Vechte Welle UKW 95,3, artist talk with Inga Graber
2016 Film,  Fucking Berlin, Arenico Production, ART in Film
2008 Surveillance and Punishment, the Business with Fear VDM-Verlag, Saarbrücken, ISBN-978-3-8364-7820-5
BBK (Professional Association of Fine Artists)
SALOON BERLIN (International Network of Professional Women Artists)
VG-Bildkunst (Verwertungsgesellschaft Bild-Kunst)
IGBK (International Society of Fine Arts)